Monday, February 16, 2015

i adore stationery and the mail for that matter

Griffin & Sabine: An Extraordinary Correspondence.  This is one of my favorite books ( trilogy), it makes you feel like you are reading someones letters. I love letters, note cards, cards and just plain old letter writing:)  Just typing that brought back loads of memories from my early twenties.  I was living in Amherst "attending" college and working at a very cool store,The Cedar Chest,  in Thornes Marketplace.  I wish there was a Thornes near me, sigh.

I would buy this rug and these socks at The Cedar Chest.....a girl can dream..............

During the time I was living there, my close and dear friend Elizabeth was living in London while studying European History.  Letter writing was all we had at this time.  We didn't have smart phones or email, we simply used our home phone or wrote letters with our hand.  Yup, sat down and wrote a letter.  I LOVED letters, cards, stationary in general.  I still do.  I called Elizabeth " Lizard" so I bought loads of Lizard stickers and a stamp.  Every letter or card I sent, which was multiple times a month, had a lizard sticker or the stamp for her name.  I loved looking through all the cards and stationery, even pens!

Sea Glass Heart Note Cards / lucky lady stationery  

  If you find yourself in Barnes N Nobles or any book store, look for Griffin and Sabine.  I guarantee you will not be able to put it down. Most likely you will sit in one of those comfy chairs and finish all 3. It's a fabulous gift for someone, especially the person that has everything.  There are 3 books, so that is 3 gifts.  Look, you just nailed down 3 birthday gifts for your mother in law!  Your welcome. 

Letter writing.  I love it.  I love to write letters.  I still have my to do lists on paper.  I use my yearly planner everyday.  I write alot down.  Some people are paperless.  Some reply on their iwhatever for everything.  I love paper and pens.  It's that simple.  Paper products are my weakness.  The One Spot at Target has been amazing lately!  All the paper, stickers, planners and more!  

lucky lady stationery

When I went to write down a few goals for 2015, I looked at 2013 and 2014,   Both had the following,," Write 1 letter per month"   Wow, that is sad. A reminder to do it.  Do something I love.  I actually wrote on my goals to write a letter.  Times have changed.  I can count on 1 hand the people that send a brithday card or card for any event to my house.  Everything these days are evite, email, facebook event..the list is endless.  

The only invites I have seen is from my sons pre-school class and they come in his backpack mostly premade from mygym and it's just has the time and date on it.   His valentienes that he brought home were all store bought.   I was so excited to make valentines!!  I had round red paper, heart stickers, foam stickers, you name it I had it!  Kurt "helped" me make them  and his dad "helped" write everyones names on them.  It was a family event, VALENTINES!!!!!!!  Just kidding, it was all me.

Griffin and Sabine

 Have you written a letter lately?  Have you sent a nice card?  Thank you notes do not count.  That falls under " if you don't, that's rude"  I kid, I kid, but really, sit down and write one.  It feels good.   Go to your local book store or gift shop.  They typically have some great stationery and cards.

As I learn more and more about photography, I have been designing and making my own note cards and stationary.  I love it.  I can use the amazing photos and turn them into keep sakes.

Personalized note cards I made for myself
I just made myself note cards and thank you cards with some sea glass pictures I took this summer/fall.
Today, I uploaded a few note cards on my website for sale with the option to customize them.  Take a look!  Order some today or for that special friend.   lucky lady stationery.  

I do not have ecommerce set up on my website just yet, so I will be able to process orders via paypal or credit card.  Simply message me and I will contact you!

Have some fun with writing a letter or a note.  Imagine that persons face when they open the mail and see a pretty envelope with their name on it.  YIPPEEE!   Imagine your mood when you open the mailbox and you see a letter for you!  It's fantastic.  Ant it's not like you have to go to the post office to mail it, simply put it in your mailbox and put the red flag up!

Care package.  I wish I had a care package to open.  Remember getting those............I do.

thank you ....xoxoxoxoxoox

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